If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree - Jim Rohn

Sunday, 15 January 2012


I signed up for the 12wbt.

Ok, ok. I know what you're thinking from here. What the hell is 12wbt? And what the hell does it do?

Well, let me enlighten you.

The 12WBT stands for 12 Week Body Transformation. It is the brain child of Michelle Bridges. I can hear you ask who? from here.

Michelle is a personal trainer, who I first came across in the Biggest Loser (Australia). She’s the trainer for the red team. And she’s tough as nails. She’s tons of experience in the industry and she knows what she’s talking about and what she’s doing. You can read her bio at her website here.

So, she’s basically the Australian version of Jillian Michaels, and I have much respect for these 2 women.

A few years ago, Michelle came up with the 12wbt. And I saw it. But I never did anything about it. Then last year, I had a client participate in it. I had workmates and school friends do it. And they all lost a significant amount of weight. So I went into research mode. I checked out the 12wbt website. I looked at Michelle’s own website. I asked people who had done it, all about it. Then late last year I decided to bite the bullet and join. I mean, what do I have to lose other than 15+kg of excess weight?

So in December I joined up. I paid my money. I came up with a username. I started participating on the forums. I joined facebook groups for the 12wbt. And I got really excited. ‘Seeing’ the enthusiasm that returning members have for the program makes me really want to do this. And not just do it, but put 110% into it. I can’t fail right? All these people have got results, so can I.

The pre-season starts tomorrow. This is a group of tasks for us to do before the actual program starts on Feb 13th. It’s all about getting us in the right headspace for what we are going to embark on. And, as a psychology major, I understand just how important getting your head into the right space is. Your brain is your best friend and your worst enemy.

So. Tomorrow. The start of everything.

Over the last few weeks (since before Christmas), I have been decluttering my bedroom. I have so much stuff. I have been going through all of my drawers, desk space, bookcases, closet, and boxes, and asking myself is it trash, donate, or keep. I have given at least 2-3 bags of stuff to charity, and I have thrown out.recycled probably twice that amount. It felt good.

So, why now? I have asked myself that a few times. It's something I always ask my clients. So... my answer.

I'm going to Canada on a work visa in June. I want to look good. I want to be fit. Or, fitter than I am now. I want to be healthy. I want to wear smaller clothes so they take up less space in the minimal amount of luggage space I have. I want to feel better about the way I look. I want to buy new clothes. I want, I want, I want. *Hi I'm Veruca Salt. You may remember me from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The original version *grins.

But I do. And I think that is the change I need this time.

I've done this before. I've lost weight before. I lost 10kg a few years back and I've basically kept it off. I fluctuate about 3-4kg. But I'd like to get back to 65kg, and I'd like to be a size 10.

Right now I'm not going to give my weight/measurements. I will do that when I get to the 'official' start date in a month. Until then, I'm just going to try and eat well, and exercise.

Wish me luck. I will leave you with some motivation I found.

Both pictures via Pinterest