If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree - Jim Rohn

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Night In

How I love a night with the house to myself! Or a day! Or... anytime really.

My parents are visiting my grandmother, who is, thankfully, getting better. She has her good days and her bad days, but the good seem to outnumber the bad now. I'm so grateful she wasn't hurt worse than she was.

So, with my parents out of town, I have the house to myself today/tonight/tomorrow morning. So, after working the lunch shift (which I don't normally do, but the money will be helpful), I did a quick detour on my way home to see about ordering some yellow roses for my grandmother. I'm hoping I can get over to see her next weekend. She loves yellow roses, and of course, they're the ones you can't always get, but the florist said she should be able to order some in, so I'll call in early this week and order a bunch for her. I also bought a few more notebooks for my uni study that starts again next week, and a few snacky things. I love red frogs :D

So, after I got home, I spent at least 2 hours re-organising my study and getting all my uni stuff sorted and put back into place. I burned my new scented candle (can't do that when dad's here, he's sensitive to it), turned my music on, and lost myself in printing, and organising, and labeling, sorting folders and papers, and notebooks. I also went through some older notebooks, throwing out pages I no longer need, finding things I thought I'd misplaced, just generally making my space feel more study orientated, rather than the mess it's been since exams a month ago.

Then, a wonderfully long hot shower where I did all the things I don't always have time for (or the hot water, coz I think our water heater is on the way out). I shaved my legs (thanks god for fair body hair, and not a lot of it so I don't have to do it very often), exfoliated, used a face mask, washed my hair and used a treatment, and relaxed under the hot water.

Following that I slathered myself with body lotion, foot lotion, hand cream, face creams, and settled in with a very yummy dinner to watch Pirates of the Carribean. I love that movie :D Then I painted my nails (toes in a wonderfully vibrant red, fingers in s clear hardener). Love these days.

I'm currently sitting in my PJ's, with a cup of milo, watching Batman Begins. Love it.

The other thing about having night on my own that I love? It gives me time to reflect on me, myself and I. It allows me to look back on the past month, or 6 months or year. It allows me to look back on this time and work out what I want out of the next month/year etc. This time on my own has come at a good time... the end of the month... the end of the first 6 months of 2013. I find that this is a great time to reflect on the first half of the year and to decide how you want the rest of the year to go.

Did your first 6 months of the year go the way you wanted it to? Did you achieve what you set out to do? What are your plans for the next 6 months? How close are you to your goals?

Me? My first 6 months went kinda to plan. I didn't really have a complete set out of what I wanted to achieve this past 6 months, but I did achieve some things. Not everything, but I've come to realise that that's ok.

Firstly, I went back to study as you all know. I've decided to study a Bachelor of Sports Science (Clinical Exercise Physiology), and this first semester has involved studying things I haven't even looked at for at least 8-10 years (wow that makes me feel old). Chemistry, biology and maths. I passed Chem and bio, but not math. I'm amazed that I passed chemistry because I really struggled all semester, and I felt terrible walking out of the exam. Biology I was ok with. I have a basic understanding from previous studies and I knew I wouldn't have a great mark (spent all my time on math and chemistry), but I knew I had done enough to pass. Math... I struggled with it throughout the semester (as I did in high school), but I thought I had done enough to pass the exam. Although, the exam was worth 70% of my grade so... I'm not too upset. I may have the chance to sit another exam in October (have to email my lecturers on Monday) and if not, then I just sit it again next year. No biggie.

Weight/fitness wise... disaster. While I haven't put on any weight, I haven't lost any either. I started really strongly with going to the gym a few times a week and running on a regular basis, but I just couldn't get my eating in line. Then, when the last few weeks of term came around, and exam stress, the exercise fell over too. So, I need to get back on the wagon in this regard too.

I also need to save some money :D I think this, like the weight/fitness goal, is an ever moving goal post, but that's ok too.

So, looking ahead to the next 6 months:


  • I want to really get a study timetable sorted out, and stick to it. 
  • I have to make sure that I don't get carried away studying my exercise science, and sports psyc units, and neglect chemistry, which I know will be even harder this term.
  • Focus on my time management, and get my assignments done BEFORE the day they're due! I'm a horrible procrastinator, so it's something I need to work on.
  • I would like a distinction in psychology and exercise science, and a pass in chemistry. While I would love to get a distinction in chemistry, I'm all about being realistic, and I just don't think it's gonna happen. I just struggle to get my head around some of the concepts, and I don't want to put the bar too high.
  • Get the junk back out of my diet. It's crash landed, hard, back into my diet and I am feeling horrible. I'm tired, sluggish, and just feeling off. I know I feel better when I eat fresh, and whole and healthy, and I need to get back into it.
  • I need to get back into the gym. I want to go 5 times a week; 3 strength, 2 cardio days, and go for a run/walk on the 6th day with a rest day thrown in there somewhere. My fitness has suffered lately, and this will fix it. I'll start slow though, and go with 3 times a week to start.
  • Also, trying to get to bed before midnight on school nights. I've been staying up way too late, and that just has a ripple effect on everything else in my life.
  • This all comes down to saving. I need to save more money, and spend less. Not that I've been spending a lot, but I do need to save more.
Morag and I are moving at the end of the year. (Notice I say we are, not we want to). We've booked in 2 weeks at the end of November to go job hunting and house hunting, and then we're moving to Sydney. We both just need to get out of this town, and out into the world. We need to start living our own lives without our families breathing down our necks. I'm so excited, I can't wait. As usual, I'm counting down:

Uni starts on Monday
8 weeks of uni
2 weeks of break/res school
5 weeks of uni
2 weeks of exams

then about a month between the end of exams and when we have the time off. I'm going to use that month to job hunt, set up interviews etc, and search the housing websites so we have something set up for when we get to Sydney. And of course sorting accommodation for the 2 weeks we'll be there. And set up some stuff for us girlies. Maybe a show, some clubbing, some relaxing at the beach. Lots to plan, lots to anticipate.

The next 6 months are going to be AMAZING!!!!

What are your plans for the next 6 months?

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