If you remember my post here you would remember that I was somwhere between the beginners and intermediate levels.
We still had to do the max number of push ups in a minute (knees or toes), sit ups (how far up you can go), a sit and reach test, a 'how long can you hold a wall sit' test and a 1km time trial.
It's been 4 weeks and I really haven't been doing the exercise that I should have been doing, so I wasn't really expecting too much of an improvement.
So, here are the results:
No of push ups in 1 minute: last time I did 25 on my knees. This time I did 26 on my knees. Pretty much no improvement, but better than nothing. Still in the intermediate category.
Sit ups: Haha. That's all I have to say about that. I couldn't do a sit up then, I can't do a sit up now. So, I'm still a beginner.
Sit and reach test: I got a +14 this round. That's 2cm further than last time and still in the advanced category.
Wall sit: Last time I lasted 35 seconds. I was happy with that given the state of my knees. This time I managed 3 minutes. 2 minutes and 25 seconds longer than last time. My knees were screaming at me, and I was sweating like hell, but I was determined to do better than last time. I am now in the advanced category. ADVANCED!!!! I went from beginner to advanced in 4 weeks!!!! YAY!!!!
1km time trial: I did it in 8mins 24 seconds last time. This time I did it in 6 mins and 29 seconds. I took 1 minute 55 seconds off my last time trial. OH MY GOD!!!!! Talk about making me smile like an idiot for the rest of my time in the gym. This puts me in the intermediate category. YAY!!!!
So, overall I am probably still intermediate, but I'm hovering more towards advanced than beginner. Except for the situps. I just want to do 1! JUST. ONE. SIT. UP!!! I will get there.
So, goals for week 8 fitness test:
time trial: 6 minutes even
wall sit: 4 minutes
push ups: 30
sit 'n' reach: +15cm
sit ups: 1
So, I have improved on everything except my sit ups. And I did it in 37 minutes and burned 396 cals doing it. It was amusing to watch my heart rate climb while I struggled to stay sat against the wall. :D
So I'll do it again in 4 weeks.

Happy training.
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