Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Haha. Can you tell I'm a Disney kid?
So, next week I'll be 'under the sea'. Well, a little bit anyway. Next weekend my dad and I are going...
I can't wait! I've really wanted to learn to dive for ages. It's been on my bucket list since I worked out that you really could go under the water and stay there for longer than you could hold yor breath.
I've always been fascinated by what goes on under the water. We really don't know anything about what happens down there. We know more about the moons surface than we do about the bottom of the ocean. How weird is that!
I was going to be a marine biologist until I realised how much math you needed to study before you got to uni, and math really isn't my strong suit. I'm not terrible at it, but definitely not good enough to do 4 unit math a HSC level. So I did law and psychology instead.
Mum bought dad and I lessons for Christmas, but it's only next week that we've been able to get everything organised to go (dad had his hand operated on about a month ago, so that needed to heal, and then my parents are going to Europe in May for 6 weeks, then I go to Canada the Friday after they fly back in).
We have to do all this online testing before we start. It's ok, just a lot of it. And I have to be able to swim 200m. Or 300m with fins. I can do fins. That's ok. Run 200m? Easy. Swim 200m? I haven't done that since I did my junior livesaver certificate when I was 15. Sure, I swim occassionally. But the heated pool is only 25m, so I tend to swim 25 or 50m, then stop. Then do it again. But there's no time limit on the swim so I'll be ok. I just have to get my butt into the pool this week and next week. And we have to be able to float/tread water for (I think) about 10 minutes. I can do that. Not the tread water continuously for 10 minutes but I can float and tread water. So that will be ok.
I can't wait. It's so exciting.
Off to study now. Wish me luck.
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