Can you believe January is already over??? We're into the second month of the year already! It really doesn't feel like it should be February yet. It feels like January has only just started.
So... how did we all go with our New Years Resolutions? Did you fall off the wagon, or are you still going strong?
Personally I didn't make resolutions this year. I find that if I make them I just feel bad and guilty when I inevitably break them later, whether that be in February or July.
I've felt that January was a month of getting my head around everything, and preparing for the rest of the year. So, now that I'm settled in myself, and a little more organised, I feel I am ready to tackle the rest of the year. What about you?
I'm starting February off with a No Added Sugar challenge. The challenge is to reduce or cut out the sugar that you eat. I'm trying to cut the processed foods. I'm keeping the natural sugars like honey and fruit. But I'm staying away from anything added to food. It's supposed to go for 2 weeks (1st - 14th). I'll see how I go at the end, and I might try and do it for the rest of the month.
So far today I've had oatmeal for breakfast (I would have added honey or a banana but I was going to the dentist), leftover chicken and cheese (not great but the was the last of the leftovers) for lunch. I've had a banana, and some dried fruit/nuts as snacks. I've also had a ltr of water. Not the greatest start, but definitely not the worst.
How has your day been shaping up? Me? I started with an early wake up call (bad dreams). I've been like this for about a week. Waking up half panicky 3 or 4 times a night. I don't know whether it's because it's so hot and sticky here (35+ degrees every day), or what it is but it's really starting to piss me off.
After breakfast was a trip to the dentist for a couple of fillings and a clean. I needed them done before I went to Canada in June, but we couldn't fit me in before I left. Luckily, nothing has deteriorated from when I saw my dentist in June which is nice. Why is it always the numbing needle that hurts so much more than anything else?
I've spent most of the day the right side of my mouth and jaw numb. I felt a little like someone who'd had a stroke. I couldn't chew properly because my lips wouldn't work properly, I was dribbling water every time I tried to have a drink... it just felt really strange. So now, when the numbness has gone away, and I can actually use my mouth properly again, my gums are aching. I know it's just the injection site, and it'll go away but it still hurts :( All I want to do is suck on ice blocks or ice cream, but I can't have either. I don't think we have any either.
I woke up fully planning to go to the gym. I like to go about 2pm because there's really no-one there. The lunchtime people have gone, and it's not knock off time for everyone else, so I don't have to fight with people for the machines *does happy dance*
But... it didn't happen. I didn't get home from the dentist until after 10, then I hit the books. I've been studying the year 11 and 12 excel study guides for math because it's my weakest subject and the one that scares me the most. It's been 8 years since I last did math, and I struggled with it then. So, I studied for an hour or so then my dad got home from his skin check with our new dishwasher. So, I spent the next few hours or so helping (i.e. being ordered around by dad) put the new dishwasher in. This involved grabbing it
off the truck and moving it into the kitchen (very heavy), then crawling around on my hands and knees and manipulating the cords and pipes. Then it was back to study after lunch. Then house looking. So the gym kinda got pushed aside.
I was house looking for my sister. Her boyfriend has just gotten a job here, so they're looking at a house to move into. Not sure if they'll get the one that we looked at today, there were a few people there. I didn't really want to go house looking. I wanted to go to the gym. Especially because I know my mum will ask me if I went today, then give me that sad pitying look when I say no. We'll, Holly could have come home and looked at the house, and gone back on Monday. Uni for her has finished for the trimester and it won't kill her to be away from him for a few days...
Goals for the month of February...
*Run 40km. That's 10km a week. I think I can pull this off. My usual running route is a little over 3km so as long as I run 3 times a week I can do this.
*3 gym sessions a week. I've lost a little weight since I've been home, but not enough. And I need to tone up more too.
*Study!!! Uni officially starts on the 25th Feb. I need to block at least 6 hours of study time a day (maybe not Sundays. A girl needs a day off).
*Sign up for the color run. I got an email last week to give me the date of the color run in Newcastle!!! It's the 5th of May, the Sunday before my birthday!!! Now I'm eagerly awaiting registration so I can officially sign up.
*Keep tracking my food. I've been using Myfitnesspal. It's been really good. I've set my calorie limit at 1500, and I'm usually pretty good at sticking to it. Must remember to eat back to 1200 after exercise for a while to see if I lose weight or not.
*lose 4kg this month. I'm not sure how realistic this is... it's only 1kg/week, which is doable, and I'll be adding the exercise.
*stick to the no added sugar challenge.
*plank 3x1 min every day. I don't care if I break it up into 30 sec chunks. I want to plank for 3 minutes every day!
I think that's enough for this month. What are your goals for the month?
Danni xo
The view of the sky this afternoon on the way to the open house. Not a great view coz it's from my car window. It's raining now, and cooled down a lot. Hoping it stays around for a few days to keep the weather cooler.
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