If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree - Jim Rohn

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Oh! My! God!!!

I need to get a routine!!!

I know I've said this before, but I really, really, really need to get a routing. I'm a typical Taurean in this regard. I don't like things to be set in stone (I like a little flexibility, and I don't go crazy if my routine is interrupted), but I like to have a framework for my day/week/month. This is why I have to do lists and goals. It makes my life easier and it makes me feel better.

Friday and Saturday I ate fairly well. However, I was waaayyy under my cals on both days (by just over 300 cals and nearly 500 cals respectively. I had 1172/1500 and 1007/1500). I just wasn't hungry. The fact that I had a dentist appointment on Friday and the entire right side of my face was numb didn't help on Friday, but I have no such excuse on Saturday.

Sunday I was within range (I try to get between 1200-1500. If I'm over one day then under the next it's fine, as long as it kinda evens out). I ate 1335 cals, but I finally went to the gym. I only did cardio but yay for finally getting my ass to the gym. 25+ mins on the cross trainer (I was playing with my phone and didn't realise the machine was still asking for info like weight/time etc), 5 mins on the stair master (or torture by the end of it), and 25 mins on the treadmill. *Note to self, run before the stairmaster/cross trainer not after!!

By the end of, including cool down/stretching I was there for 1hr 6 minutes and burned 731 cals. So technically I still had nearly 900 cals to eat to hit 1500 but I'm not eating them back atm. As long as I get to 1200 cals eaten min before exercise, I'm not worried about eating them back. Especially as I wasn't hungry then anyway.

Then came yesterday... boo!

Yesterday was a complete blow out. I've been craving chips for some reason. I have no idea why. I haven't eaten them in ages, then last week I had a huge craving and I bought a few bags of them. And proceeded to eat my way through them. Then on Monday I had another dentist appointment (why put fillings in my wisdom teeth when I just want them taken out anyway???), so once again my mouth was numb (left side this time). And I was again craving comfort food, so I bought more chips. I've eaten one bag, thrown another one out, and there's a third one sitting here mocking me. 

I did however, on my little shopping trip, buy the stuff to make meatballs and pasta, and some bananas.

So today I made the meatballs and pasta. Fairly quick, easy to make, little mess (unless you're like me and spill the pasta sauce on the bench, then on your white shirt), and yummy. I split it into 8 serves instead of the 4 on the sauce bottle, or 5 on the pasta packet. My mince/carrot mix (I grate carrot into the mince mixture with an egg, and usually zucchini but I didn't have any today). made 17 tablespoon size meatballs, but I think next time I'll make them half tablespoons. They didn't look so big when I made them, but they are when you eat them. So glad I decided on 8 servings. It came to 397 cals (I had 3 meatballs when I would normally have 2), and was very filling.

I'll have an orange, and maybe a glass of milk before I go to work. My vitamin c and calcium has been pretty low lately, so I'm working on that.

And the study just isn't happening either. I've downloaded all the available Math and Biology notes/lectures/assessment info/class info etc. Class doesn't officially start til the 25th, but I've been trying to get a head start on everything. I just find it so boring!!! And I know, I have to get through it to get to the fun, interesting stuff. And I have been. Math mainly because it's the one worrying me, but I'm getting there. Excel textbooks for math have been a great help.

So, schedule/routine. Must include gym and running (I have done neither since I went to they gym on Sunday despite my best intentions), study, work, me time and sleep. Hopefully my sleep will improve and then everything else will start to fall into place. Will work on that.

Gotta run. Need to eat, shower and head to work.


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