If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree - Jim Rohn

Sunday 4 December 2011

New Month, New Challenges

Happy December Bloggers!

I know, I have been AWOL for a while, but I do apologise. Life has been very, very very busy for me this past month or 3. I managed to forget about my 70kg by December goal, and am still sitting at around the 80kg mark. But that's ok, I'm not going to make myself depressed over it. Life happens. In my case, life involves 2 jobs with almost opposite work hours, with anything up to 16 hour days, and very little sleep. I have been managing to get to the gym a few times a week (with the exception of last week). I have also upped my spin classes. I have cut back my work at the gym to just be a PT and group fitness class instructor. That means that I am no longer on the floor (only every 3rd weekend) but that I teach 3 spin classes a week (Tues morning and Wednesday and Thursday arvo's). This, unfortunately is playing havoc with my knees, but I deal with it. For the time being.

This month I am going to take things week by week. Ok, ok. I can hear you all rolling your eyes at me. And for anyone who knows me knows that I can't just do one thing. I have to have 3 or 4 balls in the air at any one time. Just take a look at my WIPs folder of writing on my laptop :D

But I am. I am going to take things week by week. Along with a to do list, but that is a completely different post.

This week I am just going to concentrate on taking my tablets. I have 4 that I take on a daily basis. One is my pill (fairly standard for most women I think). The second is a once a day multi-vitamin. Again, fairly standard. Then I take (twice a day) silica tablets, and a hair, skin and nails multi. I am usually pretty forgetful about all but the first one. So, my challenge for myself is to take my tablets every day for a week. Anything else I do health and fitness wise is a bonus.

I'm going to take this one step at a time. It is Christmas season after all. That involves too much food, especially the bad stuff, too much alcohol (which reminds me that I still have 1/4 bottle of pink in the fridge. Maybe I'll drink that tomorrow night). Christmas parties and get togethers. Running ragged trying to find the perfect gift for people etc, etc, etc. It might not be the best time to start a health and fitness regime, but it is the perfect time to get started on all the small things. Like taking your vitamins etc. Just to get you started.

Anyone else in for the ride?


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