If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree - Jim Rohn

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Food and Exercise on Holiday

Good food? Basically non existent. Exercise? Some, but not enough. As I said in the previous blog here, I spending 5 weeks on Contiki tour from LA to New York City. I have been on the go for a little over 3 weeks (25 days to be exact) and I think I have hit the wall. You know the one, when your body just goes 'enough is enough'. It can be to do with bad food, no sleep, to much alcohol, not enough down time or rest. Even just on a night out when you hit that time of the night when you are just suddenly so tired you just want to go home to bed and sleep for 12 hours straight. That wall. I have well and truely hit it.

I have been on the go since I landed in LA on the 14th of May. Early mornings, late nights, breakfasts where the options consist of sugary cereal, toast and jam, bagels, muffins, and on a few memorable mornings... donuts. Yep, you read that right... the hotels are offering us donuts for breakfast. Needless to say, I've skipped breakfast more times than I've eaten it. Which is playing havoc with my body because I always, always, always eat breakfast. Even at 4am when I have an early shift at work and the last thing I feel like doing is eating. It's just something I have to do.

I've been healthier in the last 4 or 5 days. I'm in Florida at the moment, so it's more salads etc on the menu, but dinner has been based on carbs most days. It's been alot of pizza and pasta options, and meats with rice. I generally (probably 80-90%) of the time, cut my carbs out from about 3 or 4pm. Not because I think it's a good way to lose weight, but because it's what works for my body. I'm a big believer in everything in moderation. Last night I had a chocolate ice cream, mixed with marshmallow whip and almonds in a waffle cone as I walked along the beach and I enjoyed it. I didn't feel guilty about it at all. I'm on holiday. But I am feeling more bloated, and less energetic due to the carb overloading I'm doing at the moment. I try to do what I can, but when dinner options are pizza or pasta (like they were tonight) I can't really do too much about it.

Exercise wise there are days where I do nothing but walk. I spent an entire day in Disneyland. I spent an entire day at Universal in Florida. I spent a day walking around Miami. I have done alot of walking. But, in saying that, there are days where we spend alot of time on the bus, ust driving from one place to another. Those days I feel so lethargic. But I can't make myself get up early to exercise because we're having late nights, and we need to be up, packed, and on the coach, most days, by 7.45am. Doesn't leave alot of time for anything else.

The lack of sleep is probably my biggest problem. I only need 6-7 hours of sleep a night, but most nights I'm lucky if I get 4 or 5 and it's finally starting to hit me. Alot of people sleep on the bus during the day but I am finding that I can't actually sleep. I doze for an hour at most, and then I'm awake again. That's probably the worst part of this whole trip.

I don't think I've put any weight on during this trip, but I certainly haven't lost any either. Unlike one of the guys on this trip, I'm not too concerned with what I eat, and trying to be healthy 100% of the time. If I want a margarita, I'll have one. If I want a slice of pizza I'll have one. If I can get a salad, usually I'll have that because I know that not all options will be healthy later on. I'm on holiday, I'm here to have a good time, not worry about every single thing I put in my mouth.

Sorry this post isn't very health and fitness focused. When I get back to Australia and get back into my eating and exercise routine, this blog will go back to being about health and fitness.

Heasing off the bed, need to be up in 7 hours.


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