If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree - Jim Rohn

Friday 8 July 2011

I'm Back!!!

I apologise once again for how long this blog has sat not being updated. As I have said in previous posts, I have been on a wonderful holiday in the USA, and have been back only 2 weeks. A very hectic 2 weeks at that.

I have started a new job as a pt/gym instructor at the new gym in the town I live in, and I'm still trying to work my head around all the new precedures etc that I have to learn. I've been there a little over a week and I'm really enjoying it. I'm still technically employed at the supermarket too, so I'm also trying to work that one around the gym schedule. Very trying on my brain at the moment. I also spent some time with my grandmother which was nice. I don't do it nearly enough. Other than that, I spent alot of my first few days at home catching up with family and friends, adjusting back to the time change (always harder coming back to Aus, than going anywhere for some reason) and reaclimatizing to the winter weather. Ouch.

Unfortunately, all this 'newness' has left me with little motivation to exercise. But, yesterday I did it. I made myself have some lunch, get ready, and I put in a little ove 1.5 hours at the gym. My chest and shoulders are feeling it today, but I kinda like it. It's always a nice feeling being sore from a good workout.

However, with the change in location has come another change in diet and my body has decided to revolt against it with headaches, nausea, bloating and some horrible stomach cramos. At first I thought it might have been ttom, but that has been and gone, so clearly not that.

So... what do I do to try and fix the problem..?

Firstly... I'm going to up my water intake. I haven't been drinking nearly enough water, and I'm hoping that by drinking more, I'll flush whatever is playing havoc with me, out of my system. It's a pretty easy fix too. I just have to remember to take a litre water bottle with me. If I forget, the drinks fridge is right next to the desk at the gym.

Being a PT in a new gym I get asked alot of questions about what I do myself. What do I eat? How much do I exercise? What exercises do I do? How much reading and research do I do? So I've decided, in the coming weeks, to share with you what I do, eat and read. I hope this shows you that most pt's aren't perfect (I know of only one that is close to perfect and that's for her own health reasons) and we all struggle with the same things everyone else struggles with: time, energy, work, family commitments etc, that derails your good intentions when it comes to food and exercise.

On sunday I'll post my food diary for saturday. I'm choosing saturday because, not only is a weekend day, but it's a saturday where I'm at work for 8 hours, them I'm heading to see Kung Fu Panda 2 at the movies with a girlfriend after dinner. So it's a really good example of a weekend day for me, because weekends are when most people go a little off the rails for various reasons. Then on monday I'll show you what I did on sunday to make up for saturday. I would have posted about today's food except that I can't actually remember what I ate. As I said in a previous post, I'm not very observent about what exactly I eat.

Over the next week I'll also post some of my workouts plus recipes and photos of what I eat and some of my personal nutritional and workout tips.

Enjoy your weekend. I will.

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