If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree - Jim Rohn

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Blogger Challenge Week 9

This week, the challenge is all about support. As I said a few weeks ago, I feel like I have barely any support from home. My mum tries, but she's working ridiculous hours so she's not really a great help and my dad... well, he's my dad. That's all I can say.

1. What would you tell yourself at the start of the program in support of yourself?

I would tell myself to forget about everyone else. To try not to focus so much on what everyone else thinks, and says. That it comes down to me, and only me, and what I think, do and say is so much more important than what anyone else does, thinks or says. 

2. What would you tell those around you that may not have been that supportive?

I think I'd just tell them that if they aren't going to be supportive, then they need to get out of my way. I've had a lot of people hold me back this round, and if I could go back and tell myself, and them, to just leave me alone, I think I would have done so much better.

3. Who would you like to thank for being there for you and helping you on your 12WBT journey so far?

This is going to sound really strange, but my sister. She's been great. She helps me pull my head in when I need to.
My mum for being the one to tell me when to get outside and go for a run.
My PT clients for reminding me why I'm doing this.
The guys who's blogs I read. Both those on the 12WBT, and other weight loss blogs I've found. They all help keep me accountable, and reading about their success stories makes me feel better about my own journey.
And finally, the Newbie group, and the Upper Hunter group on Facebook. They're always there when I need them.

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