If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree - Jim Rohn

Sunday, 5 February 2012

12wbt pre-season task 2

no more excuses
via pinterest

One of the pre-season tasks for the 12wbt is to find all of our excuses, and then find ways around them, ways to stop them ruiling your life. We need to find ways to stop that irritating little voice inside your head. You know the one, the one that tells you you're too fat, or stupid, or tired, or it's too late to start now so why bother trying at all. The one that tells you that you're doomed to fail.

SO, here, for all the world to see are my excuses, and my rebuttals.

I'm too tired: go to bed earlier, get up earlier, training will give me more energy. It will make me sleep better, and therefore I will be less tired. If I work the afteroon/nights, I need to train of a morning. If I work the morning/lunchtime shift, I will take my clothes to work with me and go to the gym on my way home.

I'm too busy: But really I'm not. If I have time to be on the computer/internet/phone/with my head stuck in a book etc, I have time to train. I have time to eat properly, and exercise. And I can make more time if I cook/prepare my meals/snacks ahead of time.

I can't be bothered today: WHAT THE HELL?!! I can't be bothered to take some time out to take care of myself? If this were a client (pt or counselling) I would wonder what had happened to this person to make them think that they are unworthy of their own time. So, why can I talk sense into my clients and not to myself? Well, no more! I managed a university degree in psychology. I have my master trainer in fitness. I could be bothered to go back when I failed my exams both at uni and for pt. If I can do that, then I can be bothered to take an hour or so out to look after myself.

No Excuses!I'm a procrastinator: I am and always have been. I remember when I was at school, I would always tidy up my room and/or desk before starting my homework, even if it wasn't necessary. My mum used to say I was the most disorganised organised person in the universe. This habit followed me a little to uni. If it was a class I wasn't interested in, I would put off study for a while, and concentrate on a subject I did like. I don't put everything off, and I need to put myself into the list of things I don't procrastinate about.

I don't know what to expect when I get to goal: I wasn't always a size 14. I used to be a size 8-10. But I haven't been that was since I was 16. I don't know what it will be like when I get there again. My friends don't have a problem with the way I look, and I've never really had an issue with it. (This might change when we get to the photo/measurements day). I am comfortable whith myself at this stage, but, when I get to goal I'll be just about to move to Canada, so I will be out of my comfort zone anyway. May as well be out of my comfort zone and thin and healthy.

I have to work: In part, this is one of those external, out of my control, excuses. Because I don't work set days or hours, my plans can change at the last minute, throwing my whole day off. I need to work, I need the money, but I need to take time out for myself too. I need to organise my day so that I can fit my exercise in. I need to use my diary and compromise on what I am doing. If I haven't exercised that day, can I fit it in before/after work? If yes, then get out there and do it. If no, then work that much harder/longer tomorrow and be really good with my eating that day.

Most of these are internal excuses. I've never really been one to talk down to myself. I've never had a problem with self image or self doubt. I've never been one to tell myself that I'm too fat, or that I can't do something. And my parents have always been supportive, and told my sister and I that we can do anything, and that belief has followed me into adulthood.

However, I do use the 'it's too hot, too cold, raining' etc excuses. I have a gym membership. I have a car. I have workout dvd's. There is absolutely no reason why I can't get a workout in, one way or another.

I'm sure this list will be added to at some point. I'm sure there are more excuses that will rear their ugly heads as I work my way through these pre-season tasks, and the 12 weeks.

via weheartit.com

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